The Poor Must Not Be Intimidated.


Bantuan guaman and undang-undang terhadap mereka yang miskin.

We see poor and unfortunate people around the world including Malaysia. Sometimes it is not their fault (you can say I am against Bill Gates’ philosophy 🙂). Quite often they are the vulnerable ones when encounter with law suits and treatment by the government officers.

Our country should consider poverty law/policies seriously to assist them.

Poverty law is the practice of law as it intersects with the less privileged in society. The practice of poverty law concerns itself with making sure that poor people and the disadvantaged are treated fairly under the law. Poverty law isn’t always representing clients in court. It might include analysis of issues that impact the poor. It also might include advocacy for changes in laws and policies.

Poverty law is a broad term that includes many different government entities, private businesses and groups and subjects.

Government and lawyers should focus on poverty laws related to criminal, administrative, civil rights and health.

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